VMware Stats with Folders

Below is a PowerCLI script that grabs metrics for all VM’s and sorts by folder:   $metrics = “cpu.usage.average”,”mem.usage.average” $start = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30) $folders = Get-Folder -Location (Get-Folder -Name vm -Location Datacenters) # $folders = Get-Folder -Name Folder1,Folder2,Folder3 &{foreach($folder in $folders){ $vms = Get-VM -Location $folder | where powerstate -eq poweredon if($vms){ $stats = Get-Stat -Entity…

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vSPhere 6.5 HA Admission Control – Failover Capacity

It’s important to know failover capacity. I found the article here that explains the formula to use to know current failover capacity, and available resources for VM expansion. Admission Control Using Cluster Resources Percentage The way that Current Failover Capacity is calculated and used with this admission control policy is shown with an example. Make the following…

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vNUMA | Right-Sizing VM’s

By default, ESXi NUMA scheduling and related optimizations are enabled only on systems with a total of atleast four CPU cores and with at least two CPU cores per NUMA node. On such systems, virtual machines can be separated into the following two categories: + Virtual machines with a number of vCPUs equal to or less…

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