SCCM 2012

During install if you see symptons below:


ccmsetup.log error: CcmSetup is exiting with return code 0

policyagent.log: Already processed Machine assignments from ‘SMS:*site code*’ with the cookie ”.

policyagent.log: Skipping request for user policy assignments due to agent configuration for authority ‘SMS:*site code*’.

ccmexec.log: System task ‘SMS*_Startup’ returned error code 0x87d0027f

Configuration manager symptoms for client:

1.) Components are installed but not enabled

2.) Actions tab only shows Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle

3.) User Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle

4.) Site tab has the correct site code

And the client shows in SCCM but the properties of the system shows “Not approved”


  1. First of all, to fix this issue you must setup a boundary and boundary group. If the clients are in a  workgroup; I have used subnet/IP range when creating the boundary for the workgroup
  2. Also you can use DNS if your network uses one. If not then you will have to create an entry in the host file c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts for the server
  • I have setup a batch file and used the command below:
  • ccmsetup.exe smssitecode=SHA smsmp=ndinwput1 CCMHTTPPort=80 “/mp:”
  • echo NDINWPUT1.NTIS2.GOV >> C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  1. Then install the client. Once the install is correct you will see the system in SCCM and will have to approve the system in SCCM by right-click on the system and select “Approve”,
  2. Refresh the client policy with policy spy found here or let the default refresh happen. If you want a manual refresh open configuration manager in the control panel of the client, click on actions tab and run all of the actions.
  3. When troubleshooting client install, pay close attention to the logs below; It’s best to use cmtrace when opening the files :
  • ccmsetup.log: found in C:\Windows\ccmsetup\logs folder of client
  • clientlocation.log found in C:\Windows\CCM\Logs folder of client
  • locationservices.log found in C:\Windows\CCM\Logs folder of client
  • policyagent.log found in C:\Windows\CCM\Logs folder of client
  • policyevaluator.log found in C:\Windows\CCM\Logs folder of client


If this isn’t clear or need further assistance feel free to comment. I know SCCM can be a little bit tricky especially in workgroup or untrusted domains!